Painless hair removal: 6 homemade recipes to get rid of unwanted hair once and for all

Unwanted hair growth: Do you want to correct the problem with the hair growth you have on the facial area?

spaei ena aygo kai prosthetei mesa kai alla 2 systatika kai etsi apomakrynei gia panta tin anepithymiti trichofy a 1 mask, PRESCRIPTION, TRICHOFY

Unwanted hair growth: Do you want to correct the problem with hair growth on the face? Are you looking for a mask recipe that will give you the solution? Here are six mask recipes to make your wish come true. In more detail:

Unwanted hair growth: Face mask with turmeric

Turmeric is used in many treatments but also as a spice. It can slow down hair growth and that is why women in India use it often.

Preparation method: Make a paste of turmeric and a little water and then apply it on the areas with unwanted hair growth. Allow the paste to dry and remove it from the skin with a cotton ball soaked in lukewarm water. Repeat this treatment often. Turmeric can slow down hair growth and that is why women in India use it often.

spaei ena aygo kai prosthetei mesa kai alla 2 systatika kai etsi apomakrynei gia panta tin anepithymiti trichofy a masque, RECIPE, TRICHOPHYS

Face mask with turmeric, milk, sour cream and chickpea flour

Method of preparation: Take a bowl and put in it 6 tablespoons of chickpea flour, τή glass of milk, 1 tablespoon of turmeric and 1 tablespoon of sour cream. Apply the paste on your face and leave it for 25 minutes, letting it dry. If the mixture is too soft or too wet, add more chickpea flour and, if it is too thick, add milk.

Unwanted hair growth: Face mask with potato, red lentils, lemon and honey 

Method of preparation: Take a bowl and add the juice of 2-3 potatoes. Then add the red lentils (which you will have soaked in water overnight), 4 tablespoons of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of honey. Mix all the ingredients and apply on your face. When this mask dries, give a gentle massage to remove it.

Face mask with honey and lemon

Method of preparation: Take 1 tablespoon of honey and mix it with a few drops of lemon juice. You need to apply the mixture on your face and leave it there for 15 minutes. Take a towel and remove the mask, doing a gentle massage. The procedure should be repeated 2-3 times a week. Do not expect to remove all hairs from a single treatment.

Unwanted hair growth: Sugar and honey face mask

Method of preparation: It will work like a candle, so you need to add 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 tablespoon honey, and two drops of lemon juice. Place all the ingredients in a bowl and heat in the microwave for 3 minutes. Allow the mixture to cool but not too much, as you will need to apply it to the areas of unwanted hair growth. Remove the mask by pulling in the opposite direction of hair growth.

Egg face mask

Method of preparation: You will need 1 egg white, 1 tablespoon sugar, and 1 tablespoon flour - mix it all together and apply the mixture on your face. After it dries, remove the mask, as if removing the candle. Pull in the opposite direction of hair growth. The results will surprise you!
