The chocolate diet: Lose 6 kg in a week - Detailed diet plan

Chocolate diet: This is a diet that lasts seven days. One can lose up to six kilos.

6 7 1 Diet, KILOS, chocolate

Chocolate diet: This is a diet that lasts seven days. One can lose up to six kilos. Beyond that, if you want to follow the diet again, you should follow it after six days off.

During the day he consumes 2 pieces of dark chocolate (40 grams each) and 3 hours after eating he drinks coffee with low-fat milk, without sugar (or sweetener). Also, there are many who eat more at night than all the rest of the day, and always sleep with remorse.

- Breakfast: 1 orange 1 cup cocoa. After 15 minutes 1 fruit of your choice.
- Lunch: 200 grams of cottage cheese 200 grams of fruit.
- Afternoon: A handful of unsalted nuts.
- Evening Options: 200 grams of chicken with 300 grams of vegetables of your choice. 200 grams of fish with 300 grams of vegetables of your choice.
- Before bed: 1 glass of low-fat yogurt. Snack 2 pieces of dark chocolate (40 grams each).

6 7 Diet, KILOS, chocolate

Consume 1,5lt to 2lt of water daily.
Allowed - Herbal Drinks - Coffee
Not allowed - Soft Drinks - Alcohol - Sugar or Sweetener - Salt

After the end of the diet, follow a balanced and healthy eating program. You should consult your doctor before starting a diet.
