Eat and not gain weight: 7 secrets of women who remain lean without dieting

Women's Secrets: Excess weight is a result of poor nutrition. This may be due to fast food consumption.

1196 Women, KILA, secrets

Women's Secrets: Excess weight is a result of poor nutrition. This can happen due to consuming Fast Food, taking in too many calories or other reasons. Either way, you can eat whatever you want. Just follow the advice of experts, which concern women. In more detail:

Eat everything (not just carbs): Although we often talk about the amount of food we consume, quality is what plays the biggest role in the accumulation of extra pounds in our body. The people who do not gain weight, but do not lack anything to achieve it, are the ones who eat everything and in a balanced way. That is, they consume larger amounts of nutritious non-fat foods (vegetables and seasonal fruits, legumes, etc.). That is, they avoid foods that we all know are fattening (eg white bread, sweets, juices, etc.).

Women's Secrets - Do not snack between meals: In addition, they make sure they are well nourished with each meal. That is, do not eat anything between meals (eg standing on the street). Snacking hides traps. We consume useless foods that we normally avoid (junk food, that is) because we do not find anything else. We will not consider the snack as a meal. Thus, in the process, we burden our daily calorie intake. It is also good to avoid snacking upright while cooking. Also, we should not eat too hastily.

They walk and exercise as much as they can: It seems obvious, but it is not. This is because most of us are not saying that daily exercise (even a 30 minute walk) actually helps to activate the metabolism. It also contributes to the control of our body weight. It is extremely easy to incorporate walking into our daily routine. Especially if we do not have the opportunity to exercise more intensively 2-3 times a week. It is an underrated type of exercise. This is extremely effective if we do not neglect it.

1164 Women, KILA, secrets

Women's Secrets - Avoiding Alcohol: The truth is that most of us do not have many opportunities to consume alcohol in the madness of our daily lives and so we can not say that a glass of wine here and there is an aggravating factor for our extra pounds or fat. However, those who have a more intense social life (often eat in taverns, for example), may consume more alcohol than they should, negatively affecting their metabolism and body weight.

They do not eat to feel better: Very often, food is used to meet our other needs, psychological and not biological. People who eat in a balanced way without straining their body are not psychologically invulnerable, but they have made a conscious decision not to resort to the consumption of sweets and drinks to compensate for their bad mood. Instead, they take a walk, talk to friends, or engage in a favorite activity that takes their mind off what is stressing them out.

They get enough sleep and quality: Everyone loves a good night's sleep, but few can say that they sleep as much as they should or as they should. People who do not gain weight easily, however, tend to pay special attention to both the continuous hours of sleep (6-8 daily) and the quality of their sleep (mind and body preparation, light dinner, quiet environment, good mattress, clean sheets etc.). Restful sleep enhances our metabolic function and prevents us from looking for extra calories during the day.
