"An illness invaded my life violently and suddenly but did not bend me… On June 13 I always celebrate!"

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She is a very smart and educated girl. He has a strong and strong personality, he emits an aura that can not go unnoticed.

She does not allow fear to dominate her life and confronts it head on. Reading her story gives you strength and you want to say a big "Well done", "Well done my girl !!! I wish everyone had as much power as you. " 

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Andri Prodromou mentions in ant1ıwo: 
"I was born on 13/12/1982 in Engomi and I was lucky enough to spend a beautiful and quiet childhood. I grew up in a humane, warm and loving environment, mainly from my grandmother Galatia for that and I remember them today with nostalgia. I have not missed the slightest thing and for that I am grateful, my parents provided us with everything. May I, when I create my own family, be able to offer in the same way to my children.

My story started in June 2014…

It was Friday, June 13 and I was 31 years old. An illness invaded my life violently and suddenly but it did not bend me, after I looked at it intently, I faced it with courage and today I do not let a single minute pass unused.
Symptoms preceded, such as heavy bleeding and bruising on the body. The diagnosis showed acute promyelocytic leukemia stage 3 which belongs to the category of AML - acute myelogenous leukemia -. OML is considered relatively rare and develops rapidly and is fatal within a few days if left untreated.

Compulsory chemotherapy was mandatory…

Four cycles of intravenous chemotherapy at the Hematology Department of the General Hospital, 6 months in isolation and then 22 pills a day for 2 years. Dizziness, bone pain, vomiting, fever, hair loss, weight loss, everything κα I also needed several blood transfusions, platelets.

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When the nightmare is over…

On December 12, 2016 I beat leukemia and now I visit the hematology department every month to do the necessary blood tests and return to my office. But I decided to celebrate my second birthday on June 13, which was the date of the diagnosis, when I was diagnosed with acute promyelocytic leukemia because I feel blessed and lucky to have won this battle, this war! I thank God for what I have had and still have. I feel like I was born again! Of course, the chemotherapy was so strong that its remnants will accompany me for a long time to come.
I will never be able to donate blood, nor become a volunteer bone marrow donor. My body after chemotherapy is very vulnerable and sensitive, but that does not stop me from working, volunteering, going on trips and not missing opportunities to travel.
In my free time I am involved in learning foreign languages ​​(Russian and Turkish) and I am a member and volunteer in charities such as PASYKAF, Red Cross, Europa Donna, Karaiskakeio Foundation and Pancyprian Antileukemic Associations in Europe, conferences. I am the Organizational Secretary of INE (Institute of Young Scientists) and coordinator of the Committee on Humanitarian Affairs & Volunteering as well as the Committee on International Relations & European Affairs. Since March 2018, I have been the secretary of the newly established Board of Volunteers of the Karaiskaki Foundation for a 3-year term.

To all people who experience similar situations today…

The more chances one has to be diagnosed with the disease, the more chances I have, regardless of whether I went through it and overcame it. Nobody knows what tomorrow has in store for him. 
Every disease can be defeated as long as you believe it and want it. When you are an optimistic person, like me who did not stop dreaming for a moment, you can achieve it. I learned a lot through it and mainly I have revised my way of thinking on many issues. I can say that the disease marked me, troubled me and at the same time improved me as a person, while there was a clearing inside me. Now I see everything with a smile, realizing that life is full of moments that we must live and enjoy. So I try not to let things that are not as important to me as they used to be to me.
When we are sick we should not be alone but discuss and share experiences, because leukemia was an experience for me. A life lesson! Cancer is not invincible, it is overcome, as long as you believe in your strengths and do not be afraid. "Cancer for me is just a word, like the flu and any other disease." 


Source: ant1iwo.com