Sfakianakis fires against Vandi - The new attack and what he is asking for…

535f0410ba778e9bfef99c76ab75305c DESPOINA VANDI, NOTIS SFAKIANAKIS

Notis Sfakianakis continues his fight with Despina Vandi through Late Night Show regarding the singer's statements about his political beliefs and the unexpected end that he gave to their collaboration, exactly four years ago.

Despina Vandi had stated, regarding his direct support at that time in Chrysi Avgi (far-right party of Greece):

I first met Notis 16 years ago. From then on, I realized that he was a special person, no matter how it sounds and is translated, separate as an artist and consistent in both, all this time.

Extreme and subversive in values ​​and I believe. The right of every free man in a democratic state to express his opinion and to support it.


I disagreed from time to time with many of what he said, sometimes I agreed, no matter how extremist he expressed himself (Notis is him). Despite the different views we have on relationships, life and democracy in general, I thought that artistically we could coexist in a music scene.

Right now I feel that the things that separate us are more than the things that unite us. I leave with regret.

One last thing…

My parents were immigrants…

Notis Sfakianakis, after disparaging remarks on her face, yesterday gave another "slap" to the favorite singer for her professionalism, her mistakes, her opinions and answered if they have spoken again:

I have not spoken to Despina since. What can we say; She should come and apologize to me. It is required. When you make a mistake, you must apologize.

To show that you realized it and will not repeat it. So that the other person can talk to you. If my views and yours are in disagreement, the political views, the worldview, what does it have to do with our work?

However, the majority of the people defended Despina Vandi and respected the reason for reaction and "attack" on Notis Sfakianakis.

