Seven incredible uses of the old toothbrush for cleaning

Dentists recommend that you change your toothbrush frequently. But what do you do with the old one? The first thought is to her

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Dentists recommend that you change your toothbrush frequently. But what do you do with the old one? The first thought is to throw it away, but we would tell you to keep it because in fact an old toothbrush will be very useful in cleaning the house and not only.

Here are seven amazing uses for it:

For kitchen tools

The grater, sieve and other kitchen utensils with small holes, believe us can be easily cleaned with the toothbrush.

For the tap

You can clean them either in the bathroom or in the kitchen - even in difficult places - with a toothbrush.

 For the brush

You can also remove the hairs and clean the base of your hair brush.

For jewelry

Dip the toothbrush into a bowl of hot water and then scrub your jewelry, such as a ring, bracelet, necklace.

For shoes

Use your old toothbrush to make their soles shine.

For the sink

You will find it particularly useful and effective to clean the sink siphon, removing dirt.

For electrical appliances

You can also clean electrical appliances, such as the toaster, microwave, kitchen hobs, blender, etc.
