The trick to removing the stain from the egg dye that fell on your clothes

Good Thursday and we traditionally dye our Easter eggs. But during the classic accident can happen to you:

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Good Thursday and we traditionally dye our Easter eggs. But in the meantime, the classic accident can happen to you: your clothes get stained. And the question is? How does the stain go away?

See below how:

First you need to dab the spot of the stain with a little paper to remove the largest amount of stain. Turn the fabric upside down and place the garment under the tap with running water to rinse off the paint.

Wash regularly with detergent and see the result. If the stain from egg dye on clothes remains, mix a tablespoon of ammonia in a cup of lukewarm water. Let the laundry soak and then use regular detergent to wash it.
