Three useful secrets for proper baking in the oven

Baking a food in the oven looks like ease. And as a way of cooking simple and less tedious. But in

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Baking a food in the oven looks like ease. And as a way of cooking simple and less tedious. But in reality it is not exactly so. And many times the baking is not done, as you originally expected. And food is what we call it; it didn't work.

This is because many make small mistakes or omissions. However, there are some small tips that help to bake in the oven in an ideal way.

See below three useful secrets:

1. Do not open the oven during baking

This regularly definitely slows down its baking. The steam that comes out of the oven every time you open the door is the moisture needed to make the food well cooked and juicy.

2. Preheat the oven properly

It plays a very important role in baking. If the oven has not been properly prepared, it makes sense to think that it is malfunctioning. Before placing a baking tray or cake tin, make sure it is at the right temperature.

3. The right resistances and wind

We have to use each function depending on what we want to bake. The up and down resistance is the ideal choice to cook traditional food and sweets while the air is ideal to cook on all three levels.
