The boy without a brain who lives by a miracle (VIDEO)

patouses mwrou Strange, Strange

About 5 years ago, Noah was born, a child born with a congenital problem caused by hydrocephalus.

Before his mother gave birth, doctors had warned her that the baby had almost no brain and would either die or live with an extremely low standard of living. But the mother did not want to have an abortion and gave birth with the hope that her baby will be able to live a happy life with a lot of affection and love from his parents.

Eventually, Noah Wall was born with a swollen head and a very small brain. Specifically, 98% of his brain was dysfunctional. According to doctors, his condition was irreversible. But little by little the miracle happened!

Noah's brain gradually began to grow, disproving the expert doctors. Growth may have been much slower than a normal child, but Noah started communicating at the age of four.

Channel 5 made the documentary of the demanding first years of his life with the title "The boy without a brain" giving hope to all people who face serious health problems. Miracles happen!