These are more underrated buttock exercises, according to personal trainers

Many people may want to exercise their buttocks for aesthetic reasons. But when it comes to physical health, strong buttocks are very important and necessary.

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The buttocks are the largest muscles in the body and their functions are very important. They are responsible, among other things, for maintaining balance and strength when we walk or run.

Many people may want to exercise their buttocks for aesthetic reasons. But when it comes to physical health, strong buttocks are very important and necessary.

"They are the main mobilizers of the hips and thighs, so when we sit, stand, walk or even climb stairs, the buttocks are involved in all these functions."says Ben Walker, a certified personal trainer and owner of Anywhere Fitness.

Bounce seats

Stand with your feet together holding a dumbbell horizontally from its edges (you can with a bottle of water or without any dumbbell).

Bring the dumbbell with both hands to chest height and keep your elbows bent.

Take a deep seat and then bounce, opening your legs.

Then take a deep seat again and repeat for 60 seconds, staying in a deep seat.

Lateral kicks

Kneel and rest your palms on the floor. Make sure your arms are shoulder-width apart and your legs are hip-width apart.

With your knee bent, lift your left leg sideways. Tighten your buttocks and abs.

You return without your foot resting on the floor. Do 15 reps and change legs.

Pressures with a chair

In this exercise you hold the back of a chair and push your leg back.

To exercise your buttocks properly in this exercise you should turn slightly towards the chair, but keep your spine straight.

Raise your leg as high as you can and lower it as low as you can, without touching the floor and without feeling pain in your back.

Do 2 sets of 10 repetitions for each leg.

Classic deep seat

Start with your legs slightly wider than your shoulders with their toes slightly outwards.

Spread your arms parallel to the ground and start the seats, keeping your buttocks tight.

When you go down, make sure your knees do not cross your toes.