Ten Reasons to Enjoy Chocolate Without Guilt

The truth is that chocolate is one of those delicacies that have divided more than any other. From the

dark chocolate benefits bar chocolate

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The truth is that chocolate is one of those delicacies that have divided more than any other. On the one hand it is associated with a number of negative effects, such as causing damage to the teeth (caries), acne on the face and of course, weight gain, due to the high calories it contains. It can even be addictive, and excessive consumption has been linked to migraines.

However, for those of you who love chocolates, there is good news. And according to them, this sweet temptation also offers a number of benefits to the body. It gives energy, is tonic and is a rich source of vitality for the human body. It also contains antioxidants, which help reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. And most importantly, it is included in the lists of foods that fight stress.

But these are not the only benefits. And if every time you eat your loved one, you feel remorse, tThe following information will make you feel better:

According to recent studies, dark chocolate with a content of 70% cocoa has a positive effect on stress, inflammation, mood, memory and immunity against disease.

In a study, Canadian scientists found that those who consumed chocolate were 22% less likely to have a stroke than those who did not.

According to a Swedish study, chocolate has cardiovascular benefits. One or two servings of dark chocolate each week reduce the risk of heart failure by 1/3.

According to another study, consuming 30 grams of chocolate daily during pregnancy can significantly benefit fetal development.

Researchers from Hull University in Britain found that chocolate is the best treatment for cough. This is because theobromine, found in cocoa, is particularly effective in combating cough.

A new study, published in the international journal JAMA Ophthalmology, has concluded that consuming dark chocolate may be linked to improved vision.

Chocolate is a good source of iron. In fact, dark chocolate (with a content of 70% cocoa) contains 17.4mg of iron per 100g (97% RDA), while sweet milk chocolate gives 2.4mg per 100g (13% RDA).

It is good for the skin. In fact, dark chocolate contains flavonols, which can protect the skin from sun damage.

Dark chocolate is antioxidant, so it can fight the feeling of fatigue. So, two to three pieces of dark chocolate are enough to lift your mood.

In general, keep in mind that dark chocolate is more beneficial than the rest.
