Five bad things that will happen to you if you sleep on your nerves

There are not a few who after a fight or an intense situation whose nerves are stretched, choose

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There are many people who, after a fight or an intense situation in which their nerves are tense, choose to sleep to calm down. A tactic that may catch some. But in reality this tactic alone is not wise.

On the contrary, sleeping with nerves increases the chances of various bad things happening to you, especially in your health.

See below some of them, as reported by

You have more nerves

And yet, this happens often. Think of it this way: With nerves you can not sleep at once, you turn around in bed, you change positions, you remember the reason that brought you to this situation and instead of relaxing, you get more angry.

It can harm your health

It may not have crossed your mind, but as experts explain, the quality of sleep is linked to human health. Negative emotions release stress hormones, making you more irritable and various negative symptoms can occur along with it. For example, in the long run, it can lead to insomnia and in the worst case it can lead to mental health problems such as depression.

You can not forget the negative feelings

Leaning on your nerves does not mean that you will be able to forget. On the contrary, negative emotions will swirl in your mind, and even when you fall asleep they may "come out" in the form of a dream or rather a nightmare.

Worse the next day

The quality of sleep, especially at night, also affects the next day. If you sleep with nerves, you will wake up with nerves or bad moods. And this negative mood is most likely to accompany you throughout the day.

Problem in your relationship

We know in many cases of quarrels, especially marital ones, it seems utopian to say that it is good to find both sides before going to bed. It's best for your relationship not to let negative emotions get in the way. Give each other explanations and make a truce before bowing.
