The mistake that can easily get your claim denied is to fail

Almost everyone will agree that the microwave oven is one of the essential electrical appliances. After all, almost everyone uses it every day to heat food. And as necessary as it is as a device, it can be just as dangerous to your health if you are not careful and make the most common mistake. What is this? Not …

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Almost everyone will agree that the microwave oven is one of the essential electrical appliances. After all, almost everyone uses it every day to heat food.

And as necessary as it is as a device, it can be just as dangerous to your health if you are not careful and make the most common mistake. What is this? Do not clean it after each use.

According to a relevant research, its handles have a high risk of communicable diseases, while in another research it was revealed that there was E. Coli in a microwave oven. Especially if you also defrost meat in it.

As the experts point out, all you have to do is simply clean the oven handle after each use to stop the growth of bacteria.

Also, once a week you should clean the inside.
