Three foods that never get in the microwave

The microwave was invented to solve everyone's hands. It is the convenience in our daily life, for a warm

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svg% 3E microwave oven

The microwave was invented to solve everyone's hands. It is the convenience in our daily life, for a hot meal on the go.

Of course, the microwave oven also needs special care in its use. While, there are some foods that do not get into it. See below what they are and why you should not put them in the microwave:

The eggs

The heat generated in the microwave oven generates a lot of steam and as it has nowhere to release it, there is a serious risk of an explosion.

The grapes

The grapes do not withstand the heat, as a result of which they burst into the oven. But the raisins do not get into it, as they will start "smoking". In general, fruits need special attention in the microwave.

The peppers

When you open the door, after you have heated them in the microwave oven, the chemicals that are released will sting your eyes, while there is a case that they may even "burn" your throat.
