Three valuable "secrets" to get a good night's sleep

The truth is that good and adequate sleep is essential so that we can have energy for the rest of the day.

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The truth is that good and adequate sleep is essential so that we can have energy throughout the rest of the day. In addition to the 7-8 hours of sleep needed to rest, there are some other little secrets to being full of energy the next day.

See below three of these "secrets" of good sleep:

Sleep should cover 85% of the time we spend in bed

We should not associate the bed and the bedroom with other activities besides sleep and sex, the experts emphasize! They even add that if we take care to follow the first three instructions, the fourth and last will come by itself.

We need to turn off the TV and any electronic device well in advance

You may like to surf the Internet just before bed, but experts say that using electronic devices before bed can cause insomnia and high blood pressure. Luminous screens of all kinds can act as stimulants, so it is best to avoid them before going to bed. Try to relax your mind before bed by doing something that will calm you down (eg read a book).

Dinner should be light

A savory snack or meal even 2 hours before bedtime can wake up our digestive system by keeping us awake. Alcohol can also cause drowsiness, but it can disrupt the early stages of sleep. In addition, too much fluid at bedtime will force you to visit the. Toilet a few times during the night.
