The Technical Committee for Cultural Heritage is excited to announce that conservation work has just begun at the church of Agios Georgios in the Famagusta area.
This project is co-financed by local donors and implemented within the TCCH, with financial support from the European Union.
The church of Agios Georgios was built at the end of the 19th century entirely of stone and is a strong example of architecture of the period. The conservation works, which are expected to be completed within 8 months, will treat the worn parts of the roof with lime mortar.
Stone will be replaced and new stone carving will be done to strengthen the structure. The remediation works will be carried out with the complete cleaning of the space and will replace metal, iron and wooden parts.
New doors, windows, a new bell and mechanism as well as a new lighting system will be provided for the church.
Before the end of the year, the holy church of Agios Georgios will be preserved and strengthened.