Children's Theater Show from the Mascarini Theater in Deryneia

Children's Theatrical Performance by the Mascarini Theater "Let's paint"

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• Children's Theatrical Performance from the Mascarini Theater "Let's put color"

– Children also participate in the show. Children will come into contact with colors and learn about the cultures and customs of other peoples. The play is a hymn to friendship and diversity.

Time: 6:00 p.m.
Venue: Municipal Amphitheater of Deryneia
Admission: €7 for adults and €5 for children (suitable for 2-10 year olds)
Ticket sales: All in Kiosk kiosk (opposite the Deryneia "Renaissance" stadium and at the Thimonia and Blue Avocado bakeries)
Information: tel. 99889922
Organizers: Associations of Parents of Deryneia Community Kindergarten, XNUMXnd Deryneia Public Kindergarten and XNUMXrd Deryneia Public Kindergarten