Vassilis Papakonstantinou is coming to Protara - Net income at KEPA

All the information of the charity concert

7D09F0CF 6133 4EA1 AA52 47234AB90462 exclusive, KEPA Agios Christoforos, Charity concert

The organization "DIONI" in the context of its 5 years of operation presents the eternal teenager Vassilis Papakonstantinou in a summer rock charity concert at the beach of Agia Triada in Paralimni on Wednesday, 18/08/2021, at 21:30.

Opening of a concert by Maria Vardaki

The concert is under the auspices of the Municipality of Paralimni and the net proceeds will be given to support the Agios Christoforos Offer and Love Center

The Concert will be held with the necessary distances observed per position based on the health protocols.

Tickets can be purchased by clicking HERE and in Stefanis stores

Attendance at the Concert will be based on the following:

1. Presentation of a Vaccination Certificate covid-19 at least one dose and three weeks have elapsed

2. Release from the disease covid-19 within the last six months

3. Up to 15 years with a negative rapid test or pcr, 72 hours

4. For all persons 16 years and older with a negative rapid test or pcr, 72 hours (and with a medical certificate for non-vaccination)