Reference Hospital: Nurses ask for the obvious because of understaffing

PASYNO: "One of the main problems is the understaffing, which has led the staff to professional and psychological exhaustion, as most nurses work double shifts"

imagew 15 Coronavirus, exclusive, Famagusta General Hospital, nurses, PASYNO

The Board of PA.SY.NO. decided to call on its members at the Famagusta General Hospital to take a series of measures, on the occasion of the non-resolution of serious work issues at the COVID - 19 Reference Hospital.

One of the main problems is understaffing, which has led staff to professional and psychological exhaustion, as most nurses work double shifts, without their only weekly Day Off and without taking 3 weeks off, as required by law.

Therefore, the union decided, considering as its duty the safety of staff and patients, to proceed with the following measures:

  • Its members will not work more than 37.5 hours per week, as provided by law and service plans.
  • Its members will not provide the weekly day off to cover understaffing.
  • Its members will not perform non-nursing duties, such as cleaner, caretaker, messenger, clerk, etc.
  • Its members will not take patients beyond the ratio of beds / nurses per shift and per department, as agreed between unions and OKYPY. In case more available beds correspond to each nurse per shift in relation to the agreed and safe ratio, the corresponding bed inactivation will take place.
  • Its members, nurses working at TAEP, due to the delay in the implementation of the decision to separate the Department and the Ambulance Service, will not perform the dual role they have shouldered recently.

The Board immediately calls on the OKYPY to proceed with the resolution of the issues that are characterized as critical and important, for a hospital that is called to manage the coronavirus pandemic.
