PARALIMNI: Emotional wishes were sent by the elderly residents of KEPA (VIDEO)

Snapshot 2020 12 26 16.57.16 exclusive, KEPA, KEPA Agios Christophers

To reunite with children and grandchildren, who have been deprived for a long time due to the pandemic, wish grandparents living in a nursing home. At the same time, the Love and Offer Center "Agios Christoforos" in Famagusta gave a basket of love to needy families this year as well.

On Christmas Day, the "Agios Christoforos" Offer and Love Center continues to offer to families in need. Food, basic necessities, a plate of hot food are among the few that KEPA offers daily.
Sigma's camera was there today on Christmas day and recorded the foundation's glorious work.

As mentioned by Dimitris Papaevelthontos, the social grocery of KEPA operates all year round and supports needy families (jumpcut) This year was a very difficult year, the needs were many. This year, as he said, KEPA responded to the best of its ability and helped more than 300 families.

With gratitude visible in his eyes, our fellow citizen wanted to express his gratitude for the help he receives from the Center of Offer and Love.

At the same time, KEPA maintains a home for the elderly, where it takes care of its elderly residents to spend every day and especially the holidays with love and warmth.
Their wishes are moving…

It is pointed out that every day, dozens of our fellow citizens chant from behind in the Center of offer and love, in order to be available to our fellow citizens who are really in need.

See the report of the author of Famagusta.News, Christodoulou Metaxas: