A total of 1,525 patients with coronavirus were hospitalized at the Famagusta General Hospital - The situation today

What the Scientific Director of Larnaca - Famagusta General Hospitals Amalia Hatzigianni said

imagew 1 1 exclusive, Amalia Hatzigianni, Famagusta General Hospital, Reference Hospital

A total of 1,525 patients with coronavirus were treated at the General Hospital of Famagusta, which for 14 months now, has been operating since the beginning of the pandemic, as a Reference Hospital.

As the Scientific Director of the General Hospitals of Larnaca - Famagusta Amalia Hatzigianni stated in KYPE, "today 15 patients are being treated at the Reference Hospital with coronavirus, two of whom are in the Intensive Care Unit, since they need closer monitoring of all patients, however is stable. The average age of the patients has been reduced to 53 years, while the youngest patient is 31 years old ".

Answering a relevant question, Ms. Hatzigianni said that "throughout the coronavirus pandemic, a total of 25 doctors worked at the Reference Hospital, while 180 nurses were employed exclusively in the clinics. Covid-19. In addition, an additional 50 paramedics worked, physiotherapists, hospital laboratory workers, radiographers, hourly staff.

He added that “during the 14 months that the Famagusta General Hospital operated as a Referral Hospital, a total of 1,525 patients positive for coronavirus were treated, of which 94 had to be referred to Intensive Care Units, mainly to the Nicosia General Hospital. Unfortunately, during the same period 108 patients ended up in Famagusta Hospital, due to the disease Covid-19».