Geniuses who left the University!

Little Secrets

More and more young people are studying nowadays. However, several celebrities from the field of technology prove to us that a person's success is not entirely connected to having a degree... 

Mark Zuckerberg:
He was born in 1984 in New York and in 2004 when he was a student at Harvard he founded the social network called "Facebook". Zuckerberg studied Psychology and Informatics and after the huge impact on Facebook, he dropped out of Harvard. A few years later he was named the youngest billionaire in the world. "Time" magazine named him person of the year in 2010, while in the same year the story of the creation of Facebook is transferred to the big screen, entitled "The Social Network".

Michael Dell:
The founder of Dell computers was born in 1965 in Texas in the United States of America. Dell never graduated after dropping out of the University of Texas and pre-medicine at the age of 19 and began making computers. After the great success of computers, Dell managed to become one of the richest people in the world.

Bill Gates:
The 56-year-old founder of Microsoft dropped out of Harvard University. But that did not stop him from becoming one of the most important and richest people on the planet. Time magazine ranked him among the 100 most important people who influenced the 20th century, while Forbes ranked him as the 5th most powerful man in the world.

Steve Jobs:
Born in 1955, he founded Apple, Pixar and Next. The man who created the ipod, itunes, iphone and ipad left Reed College in Portland, Oregon, after just six months. In 2010 the Financial Times named him person of the year. In a 2005 speech at Stanford University, he publicly admitted that he had never graduated and that the important thing was to do what you love.

Author: Zafeiro Anastasiou