Diet in the office

a 94 Nea Famagusta
a 5571 Nea Famagusta

By Andris Vassilios - Dietitian:

All employees are well aware that if they are at work 8 hours a day, they face a difficulty in eating properly and healthily. The rhythms we live daily do not allow us to eat properly, 5 meals a day and many times we lead to the consumption of fast and ready food rich in fat and very poor in nutrients. Our metabolism needs food every 3-4 hours to work properly and we maintain our energy and when we are at work, it can be difficult but it is not impossible to eat systematically and healthily. See what kind of snacks you can prepare and take with you to the office:

Cereal bars
Cereal bars are the fastest and easiest snack, but also very nutritious. Quick and easy because it is easily transported and does not require special maintenance conditions. You can choose whole grain cereal bars that are high in fiber. Some of them contain extra dried fruit or chocolate and are thus richer in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Rice wafers
There are rice wafes on the market rich in fiber, which are low in calories and fat.

The toast can be prepared from the previous day and we can take it with us to the office, if we find it difficult to prepare it in the morning. For toast it is better to use wholemeal bread that is rich in fiber. We should also prefer low-fat cheese and boiled turkey. One way to increase the consumption of vegetables is to fill the toast with vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, arugula or any other vegetable we like. This makes our toast even more nutritious.

Combinations with yogurt
Add whole grains, rich in fiber or combine them with wholemeal toast. You can also add dried fruit to your yogurt.

Put some fruit in your bag
Make sure you have 2-3 fruits with you in your bag. When at some point you get a lick, eat a fruit. It will satisfy your hunger so you will not have to resort to any fattening delicacy.

Dried plums
Dried plums are a very quick and healthy solution for a snack that will reduce your appetite for sweets! You can eat 7-8 prunes.

Raw vegetables
Avoid commercial salads with sauces, which contain hundreds of extra calories and fats, and prefer to bring your own vegetables, such as carrots, tomatoes, celery, etc.

Almonds: a nutritious nut
They have a crunchy texture, are rich in good fats, benefiting the heart and have a high content of calcium, magnesium, potassium, while they are rich in protein and fiber. Of course, keep in mind that they are not innocent of calories, since about 20-25 almonds provide 170 calories, so be careful not to exceed this number.

Oats: combine it properly and enjoy it
Boiled oats, mixed with a little apple and cinnamon, can be something quick, filling and enjoyable while you are at work. If boiled oats are difficult for you, just add a little milk and eat a little apple or a few raisins or walnuts separately.

Wholemeal crackers
They are easily transported and you can combine them with cottage cheese that is low in fat, rich in calcium and phosphorus that protects our bones and teeth.

And do not forget!

Proper nutrition gives you well-being and an appetite for work!

Good job !!