Sotira: The Minister of Agriculture inspected the damage to the potato plantations

CEB1 53 Agriculture, News, Nea Famagusta, Nikos Kougialis
The Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, Nikos Kougialis, visited Sotira on the spot to inspect the damage suffered by the potato plantations.

CEB1 1687 Agriculture, News, Nea Famagusta, Nikos Kougialis

The Minister instructed the OGA to record the damage caused to potato crops, while the Ministry of Agriculture instructed to record the damage to vegetable crops not covered by the OGA.

In a statement, the Famagusta Panagrotikos Association expressed its gratitude to the Minister of Agriculture and for his visit to Sotira on the spot, a fact which, according to the announcement, proves the Minister's interest, both for the farmers and for Sotira and the province of Famagusta in general.

Panagrotikos invites the farmers to report within 7 days the damage of the potatoes either to the Cooperatives or to the offices of Panagrotikos or to the Department of Agriculture from which they can obtain the relevant documents to complete. Regarding the damages to the vegetables that are not covered by the OGA, these should be reported to the Department of Agriculture.
