The unveiling of the sculptures "Gennofaskia of Ayia Napa" was performed

ayianapa Giannis Karousos, News
ayianapa 2 Giannis Karousos, News

On Sunday, September 25, the Secretary of the Council of Ministers, Mr. Theodosios Tsiolas, unveiled the sculptures "Gennophoskia of Agiannapa - Generation of Kemitzidon" as well as a large marble plaque with the names of the donors' families and descendants. smaller for the "Friends".

The three sculptures of a man, a woman and a small child were created by the well-known Cypriot artist Filippos Giapanis and depict the first inhabitants who came from Thessaloniki and formed the first family of Ayia Napa.

ayianapa5 Giannis Karousos, News

In his speech, Mr. Tsiolas stressed the importance of sculptures for the local history and culture of Ayia Napa and congratulated the Municipality for its commendable initiative to recognize and highlight its roots.

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The Mayor Mr. Giannis Karousos referred to the history of the idea for the creation which, as he said, the late Dr. Antonis Tsokkos, that's why the donors dedicated the sculptures to his memory. He added that the sculptures "Creation of Ayia Napa - Generation of Kemitzidon" are the most important reference point of the city because they are directly related to 70% of the natives, who are descendants of these people who came from Thessaloniki and are symbolically depicted in the three sculptures.

ayianapa1 Giannis Karousos, News

Mr. Karousos also referred to the creation of the website of the Genealogical Tree of Ayia Napa, where the visitor can obtain information about his own family tree.

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Also, the genealogical tree was presented by the Curator of the Museum "Sea" Mr. Fotos Kikillo, where the data from the electronic recording of the genealogical tree of Ayia Napa were presented. The collection of information for the recording had as its main source the pioneering genealogical volume and the handwritten notes of the late citizen of Ayia Napa Andrea Lambrou X '' Nikola as well as information and data from many other citizens.

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During the unveiling ceremony of the monument, the donors, the contributors of the digitization of the genealogical tree of Ayia Napa were honored and posthumous honor was given to the late protagonist of the recording of the generations of Ayia Napa Andrea Lambrou X ”Nikolas.

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The unveiling of the three sculptures was accompanied by Mr. Tsiolas and the Mayor. Yannis Karousos the five brothers descendants of the first family.

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