Final Celebration of Sotira Public Public Kindergarten (photo & video)

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The central theme is the Olympic Games

The parents and the guests were thrilled at the final celebration of the Sotiras Public Kindergartens that took place last night in the courtyard of the Sotiras Public Kindergarten…

The celebration was attended by the Mayor and the Municipal Councilors Sotiras, priests, the President of the Sotiras School Tax Office, the President of the Federation of Public and Community Kindergartens of Famagusta, the President and members of the Parents' Association of our Kindergarten, friends and relatives.

The children presented a music, dance and theater program taken from the Olympic Games and the spectators admired and boasted about their rich knowledge and skills. Congratulations to the teachers and school assistants together with the school principal who gave their best for the perfect organization of the event.

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Stavros Charalambous /