"God is risen"

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a 7247 News

"God is risen, judge the earth, that you may inherit all nations." This joyful message of the Resurrection was heard this morning in all the temples of free Cyprus…

The faithful called the holy temples to hear the Divine Liturgy, of the first, as it is called, Resurrection during which the black ones fall from the icons.

At 20.45 in the evening, Agios Fos is expected to arrive in Cyprus by Cypriot Airlines aircraft, which will initially arrive in Athens by the Prime Minister's aircraft from Jerusalem. From the airport it will be transferred to the Church of the Apostle Andreas in Platy Aglantzias, as well as to the Diocese of Tamassos and Orini on Monday and then to all the Holy Temples.

Tonight the orthros of the Resurrection will be sung in all the churches of the free area of ​​the island.