War of the Auditor General - Petros Matsas

CEB1 50 Auditor General, News
A new front of controversy is opened by the General Inspector. He complains to the Director of Medical Services that he does not, more or less, allow the service of private interests by public health officials.

CEB1 1598 Auditor General, News

Specifically, on January 15 of this year, the President of the Movement of Environmentalists brought to the attention of both the Minister of Health and the Auditor General the case of a high-ranking administrative doctor in the public who referred patients to the private sector… with no compensation!

On February 2, the Green MP returned with no answer anywhere.

10 of the month and still nothing from the Ministry

However, the Audit Service, with a letter dated January 27, to George Perdikis, notified to the Ministry. Health and the Director of the Ministry, sheds light on the darkness that is allegedly imposed on the case, pointing the finger at Petros Matsas!

Christina Giannaki acted properly and in a timely manner, asking the Director of Medical Services to provide explanations for the case within 15 days; however, her instructions fell on deaf ears.

And this is not the first time that Petros Matsas shows similar behavior, the Auditor General notes in his letter!

In November 2015, the office of Odysseas Michailidis, through the Director of the Ministry of Health, requested the contribution of the Director of Medical Services for another case of employees in public hospitals that served private interests. His answers to the case were deemed unsatisfactory in December and he was again asked to comment by the 22nd of the month.

To date, however, the above has not been answered by the Director of Medical Services.

In closing, the Auditor General, who, although summoned, did not want to comment, asks the Minister of Health himself to take the appropriate measures for the delay caused by his non-actions by the Director of Medical Services.

Source: SigmaLive