He will be released in a few years: Babis Anagnostopoulos will stay in prison for so long

Caroline's killer will stay in prison for so long, nothing to do with life

se liga chronia tha kykloforei eleytheros toso kairo tha meinei sti fylaki o mpampis anagnostopoylos CAROLINE CROUCHES, BABIS ANAGNOSTOPOULOS

Caroline's killer will stay in jail for so long, nothing to do with life

The curtain fell yesterday on the trial of Babis Anagnostopoulos for the murder of his wife Caroline Krauts, at their home in Glyka Nera, with the Mixed Jury Court imposing on him lifelong and an additional 11 years and 6 months, with a fine of 21.000 euros.

But how many are actually these years? There is practically no life imprisonment, in the sense that the convict stays in prison for the rest of his life.

"Life sentence" means the highest sentence to which one can be sentenced 16 years in prison. The difference is that while the rest of the sentences are subject to mitigation and reductions depending on the prison or the daily wage you do there, this is not the case with life sentences.

This means that Babis Anagnostopoulos he will definitely stay in jail for 16 years. The favorable arrangements will apply to the remaining 11,5 to which he has been sentenced, in which he will play a role, for example, if he is transferred to a rural prison (at some point in the future) and if he will work part-time there.

Thus it is estimated that for the remaining 11,5 years Babis Anagnostopoulos will build approximately 4 to 5 years. This means that in total it will build about 20 years. Today, Caroline's confessed killer is 33 years old when he comes out he will be 53 years old.

"It was a shocking affair"

The lawyer of Caroline's family spoke to SKAI about the sentence of Babis Anagnostopoulos, emphasizing that "it really was a shocking case".

"The final sentences were handed down for both the murder and the killing of the animal, but I believe it was a fair decision. The personality of the accused led the court to a one-way street. "He thought that the theater would continue, but the court is not a public opinion", the lawyer said characteristically.

Describing the accused at the time of the announcement of the court decision, he said he was restless and icy. "Zero reactions".

The lawyer was called to answer a question about how many years Babis Anagnostopoulos will remain in prison. «If the decision remains in the Court of Appeals, because he will obviously file an appeal, Babis Anagnostopoulos will remain in prison for about 19 years ".

"Specifically, life sentences are estimated at 16 years plus 3/5 of the 11,5-year prison sentences. The accused only asked to see little Lydia when she was released, however, as the family lawyer said, "we will make sure that does not happen". Psychiatrists, in fact, say that if something like this happens it will be a disastrous encounter.


via: Enimerotiko