The 32-year-old pilot did not hesitate for a moment not only to describe to the police how he killed his 20-year-old wife in their house in Sweet waters, but in his pre-investigation apology, through his description, he began to "set up" his "alibi", possibly his defensive line, as he blames her for the way he treated himself and their baby.
Shocking is the description of the murderer about the way he killed Caroline and his subsequent acts with which he tried to cover up the crime, in pre-investigation apology which he gave early Friday afternoon. The 32-year-old was taken to the prosecutor at noon and was given a deadline to apologize on Tuesday morning.
In his pre-investigation apology, after apologizing for his actions, he noted: "You can not imagine my love for this girl", as well as his love for their baby: "For me Lydia after these adventures of her health, is something I can not describe in words. To tell you that everything is for me, I think is very little. When we lost our first child, Caroline's behavior began to change. Where everything was good between us, it can for any important or insignificant reason, to he was becoming aggressive towards me. Caroline had the following characteristic. We may have been fine all week and from one moment to the next a switch might have turned around and become aggressive towards me or anyone who had hurt her at that moment after 1 hour that her nerves would pass, it was all a glad I was trying to manage her outbursts. I suggested we go to a psychologist, she agreed and so we started going to Mrs. M. for sessions ".
On the fateful night, the 32-year-old said: "While I was with Lydia and playing with her on the couch, she went to fall off the couch and then I made a move to grab her so she would not fall. The truth is that my move was a bit awkward and Lydia got scared and started crying. Caroline came up to us and started yelling at me. I do not remember exactly what he said to me at that moment, but leaving the living room to go up to the bedroom I remember he told me: "You're not going to vote for both of you." Of course I did not pay any attention to why I knew it was not her and that she said it on her nerves. The last time I went upstairs with Caroline in my arms, Caroline was trying to fall asleep. So I went and put the little one next to her so we could all sleep together.
"I left Lydia. Caroline opened her eyes and started shouting at me because I brought her the little one and she would not let her sleep. The little one woke up. Then Caroline on her nerves grabbed the baby with both hands and threw it hard into the cradle, ldoing something like "I told you I don't want her here". I hugged the baby and said to Caroline, "Are you all right?" Are you hitting the little one? ” and she answered me something like "I will do what I like, I will do what I want". He took the little one down and slept on the couch. I was thinking about it and I was saying it from inside me if he did that now that I'm in front of him, if I'm missing, what will he do to her, he will kill her I will…; That could not leave my mind. "
Shocking is the way describes the murder of his wife"I went up to the bedroom one more time to make one last effort. I lay down next to her and hugged her. I told her to take the little one and go upstairs and she replied: "No, do not bring the little one, I do not want you". And she started shaking her body to leave my arms. I kept holding her tight and telling her that the little one had to go upstairs to sleep. At some point as he was shaking her face was on the pillow, I mean that her mouth and nose rested on the pillow, I I continued to hold her tight in my hug until I realized Caroline had stopped rocking. All this must lasted about 5 minutes from the time I hugged her until the time she stopped rocking. I lost them. I tried to wake her, rocked her, but I realized that everything I did was in vain.
I immediately went down to the living room to see if the little one was well, saw that she was sleeping and went up to the bedroom again. Then I realized what had happened. I cried and immediately I thought of Lydia growing up without her parents. So then I thought to make one last effort lest she at least grow up with her father. I thought of disappearing her body, but it was impossible for me to do so. Just looking at her, I cried. The next thing I thought was to say that someone else did. I would tell the police that robbers entered the house. I was in a panic. I did not know what to do. I thought that to make it look more believable and to believe that rogue robbers came in, I should hurt the dog. No one would have thought that I could harm a dog. With heartache I hung the dog leash on the railings of the stairs. I do not remember the chronological order ".
The 33-year-old described in detail all the actions he took in order to direct the robbery closed, concluding: "I started tying the tape to my hands and mouth. Then with the string I put my feet, my hands together with my feet and tied it all to the boards of the bed. Before tying, I took the little one from the sleeping sofa and put her on the bedroom bed, next to Caroline. The little one was sleeping. "
New information on the case is brought to light by the police transfer to the judicial authorities, which, among other things, contains data from Caroline's diary.
In encrypted victim diary, Caroline describes the tensions in their relationship and her own psychological state. It is worth noting that Caroline was suffering from postpartum depression, while the information states that her baby was born prematurely with serious health problems, for which she has already undergone two surgeries.
Caroline's diary shows that the tensions in the couple's relationship were one long-term situation. Specifically, 31 notes were found in her diary from 15.11.19 to 02.11.20 from which problems and tensions and thoughts of the victim to leave her husband, taking their child with them.
On November 15, 2019 it notes: "I am 18 years old and I want to try to have a baby! I haven't told Babi yet. Because today we had a fight and I told him to hurt him that sometimes I think it does not matter that we lost our baby because I do not need to see his family. I regretted it the moment I said it. When I go out of my mind I do not care how much I will hurt him. Basically I want to hurt him as much as I can. I think it's because I feel so hurt, I often bring out all the anger and sadness in Babi. He does not deserve to be treated like that but sometimes he does not understand what I need and that all I need is for him to be by my side ".
Another note from Caroline in her diary: "Yesterday we had a fight with Babi because of my hormones I broke out on him. I called him, hit him and told him I did not want our baby. We did not talk about it at all yesterday and today we woke up well, ate, had a good time but in the afternoon he asked me about yesterday. I'm not well I'm very upset, obviously it would never hurt my baby. My love for this is more than anything else in the world. I'm so influenced by my hormones that Babis should know. I'm ashamed to tell him. I know he will support me but I can not tell him. I'm not well but I'm trying for my baby. I do not want him to feel that his mom does not want him and does not love him. My hormonal problems are mine. "The fact that Babis was influenced does not mean that it concerns him."
Another note states on December 30, 2019: "Today I had a fight with Babi. Shortly after we ate breakfast σα I hit him, found him and went to the office. All day he asked me what I wanted to eat. I did not eat anything. I'm lying in bed and I can not sleep I have terrible tension. . I went out on the balcony only in my blouse and cried I'm not well. "
In another note dated December 31 2019 writes: “He had a fight with Babi again. This time a lot. I hit him, cursed him and broke the door. All I wanted was for him to ask me if I was okay when I woke up. I woke up so weak and tired. I'm thinking of leaving. To go to my sister, I do not know if I can continue with Babi. I love him so much that I can not leave him and let this relationship hurt me ".
In another note on July 3, 2020 writes: "Today my little one turned one month old and today is the day I told Babi that I want to leave the house θα I felt and I feel miserable. As soon as he left to go the paper they sent us for a little examination I started looking for houses. I found exactly what I was looking for in Chalandri. When he returned from the hospital (the baby was being treated at the time) he asked me if I wanted to separate. I did not answer him. . After several cries and voices I told him that I was thinking before I got pregnant to leave him but then I got pregnant, so I stayed with him so that my daughter would not grow up without his two parents ".
Elsewhere on the 26-page police transcript to the judicial authorities, it is reported that the 32-year-old contacted the call center for immediate action and asked for help at 6:15 on May 11, 2021.
From audio clip of the call it turned out that he could not speak clearly, however managed to state the address where they were. The police went to the maisonette in Glyka Nera and entered the house through the window at the back of the basement which was taken out. A search found Caroline dead on the second floor. There was a cloth wrapped around the victim's neck, his hands were tied to a pole, and the baby was leaning on his back.
They were on the attic floor next to the bed the pilot in the fetal position, his hands were tied in front of his body and his legs were tied. Twine was used for tying. There was a brown tape wrapped around his mouth. On the handrail (between the ground floor and the first floor) the police found a dog hanging with its leash.
The police transmitter to Justice also mentions details of the investigation carried out, as well as excerpts from the testimonies taken from witnesses.
According to these records, the victim's mother She testified that she had not noticed any particular problems in her daughter's relationship with her husband. On November 20, the couple went to a specialist to manage the miscarriage, as well as the complications of the second pregnancy, while they stopped visiting the specialist on February 21.
Yet, the neighbor of the couple testified that at 04:20 a.m. he heard the dog crying and footsteps from the stairs of the house from the maisonette. However, as she said, she was not impressed, she did not hear any voices, screams or barking of the dog. It is noted that according to information, Caroline passed away at 04:11, according to the watch with its biometric data.
From security camera inside the maisonette, it turned out that the last registration was at 12:26, hours before the alleged robbers broke into the house, but also hours before Caroline was killed.
Caroline had previously sent messages to her husband: On 23:18 A message appears on the pilot's cell phone emanating from the victim's e-mail saying "you stupid". At 23:42 An incoming message from the victim's Facebook appears on the pilot's Facebook with the content: "Do not leave her with me in the morning".
In addition, they were found on the victim's cell phone three searches on the booking platform where it is said that Caroline was looking for hotels. These searches are between 00:37 and 00:38 of 11 May.
As for the investigation, the police from Camera optical material in the surrounding area they did not find any suspects or car or pedestrian stops, which reinforced the view that there were no robbers breaking into the house. It is also reported that the microscope entered victim's biometric watch, like the mobile phone of the accused where steps are recorded during the time he was allegedly tied up.
According to the police, no evidence of the presence of other persons at the crime scene has emerged from all the pre-investigation material. It is also reported that the robbery described has characteristic similarities with the robbery of another colleague that took place in 2018 in Alepochori. Earlier, his transfer to the prosecutor was carried out with the highest security measures. Charalambos Anagnostopoulos, 32, was transported to the courts of the former Evelpidon School at noon, wearing a bulletproof vest and in handcuffs and handcuffed in the hands of a police officer. He confessed to the murder of two Misdemeanors were brought before the prosecutor for the execution of the arrest warrant and then before the investigator from whom he requested and received a deadline to apologize next Tuesday at 20:10. Until then he will remain in custody at GADA.
The 32-year-old has been prosecuted for two crimes and two misdemeanors for the heinous crime in Sweet waters.
Specifically the crimes is:
- Intentional homicide committed in a calm state of mind
- Animal abuse
The misdemeanors is:
- false accusation because he made other suspects of his actions.
- continuous false testimony due to false deposits given to the Authorities.
It was issued against him arrest warrant as considered fugitive suspect due to his status (pilot) and his financial surface but also a suspect of committing new crimes due to both the way he killed Caroline and the way he misled the Authorities with false evidence that shows that he has no suspensions.
According to the 32-year-old's lawyer, Vassilis Spyrou, the accused is shocked by the fact of Caroline's death while his personal assessment is that his client was relieved by the homology of.
The way the Police came to investigate the murder of Caroline by her husband in the maisonette of Freshwater described in their official announcements the representatives of EL.AS.
The representatives of EL.AS. spoke of a difficult case, which required a methodical analysis of the data revealed in order to arrive at the investigation. It was stressed that the data were few and that the digital analysis was the one that led to the revelation of the killer and finally the confession of the husband, as well as the fact that a relationship of trust was "built" between the officers of the Homicide Department and the 32-year-old. on the first day in a coordinated manner and with stubbornness ", stressed the Attica Security Commander Petros Tzeferis, declaring he was proud of the EL.AS executives. "In all cases we give place and soul, but in it we had a reason too much," he noted. From this material it was immediately understood that there were discrepancies between the data and the testimony of the 32-year-old, emphasizing that these data were decisive for the investigation of the case. to have in their hands the confession of the spouse. It all started on May 11 when the center of immediate action was notified by the spouse of the victim. As he described, the police found the victim dead in bed and his husband tied, but also the 11-month-old baby to be on the victim, who was tied to a pole. The critical data came from the toxicology laboratory of EKPA, with the cause of death being determined in suffocation between 04:00 and 05:00. He stated that some elements of the overall picture from the beginning were marked as problematic. Indicatively, she pointed out that the marks on her husband's legs and arms, aroused the interest of the police, as the intensity of the marks did not seem to be in line with the length of time he claimed to be tied. The fact that her dog was family was hung on the staircase of the maisonette. As for the other data that led to the search, the data from the 32-year-old's cell phone and the 20-year-old's digital clock, as well as from the digital recorder at home were reported. other people inside the house, which led to the conclusion that the husband was the one who had to be thoroughly examined as a suspect. The police focused their interest on the 32-year-old's relationship with Caroline and his child. As it was pointed out, at some point in the process, the husband himself assured them that he never wanted to cheat or lie, but his goal is to stay with his child and not go to jail. that there were quarrels with his 20-year-old wife and finally in the confession that he killed her after an emotional outburst he had after an argument on the fateful night.
Meanwhile, new revelations about the crime compose a better picture of him puzzle of murder. In fact, the possibility with which the perpetrator of the heinous crime in Glyka Nera moved to cover his tracks is a consequence of a "ready scriptHe already had in mind.
This scenario was given to him by instructor - pilot of 32-year-old Babi, who had such a bad experience.
"When I heard what had happened to him Babi"I said 'it can not, it is exactly the same as what I suffered'", he said.
The instructor even said that after tragic event in Glyka Nera informed the police about the incident.

"The difference was that we were attacked with globes while Babis was attacked with pistols", while the confessed spy killer did not hesitate to use the same descriptions for their characteristics.robbers».
The dialogue of the police with the confessed murderer of Caroline in Alonissos was revealed by the Municipal Councilor of the island, Chariklia Theodorou, who was next to the unfortunate mother 20year.
According to what she claimed while talking to ANT1, the local police asked the pilot to follow them because there was a significant development in the case of the murder of his wife.
Ms. Theodorou also said that the authorities did not want to follow but the police insisted and so they left together:
The 32-year-old pilot remained all night in the cell on the 12th floor in the department Homicide Security.
Yesterday, the police officers had been speechless with his confession when he "broke" and admitted that he was the one who finally drowned his wife and played theater 40 days, trying to hide his crime.
He also described to the police how he set the scene of the alleged robbery while provoking I shudder the moment he describes in his confession how he killed even the family dog with his own hands in order to create even more suspicions in the Authorities for unscrupulous robbers.
And while the woman his is dead by his own hands on the bed and the baby in swing he takes the dog out of the house, strangles it with his bare hands and then puts it back inside the house and hangs it from the stairs.
According to his information CNN Greece, revealed to the police that the camera memory card, when he took it out, he threw it in the toilet of the house to make it disappear and implied that they took it with them while the robbers were leaving.
The alleged perpetrator of the murder of the 20-year-old was confronted by two officers of the Homicide Department for more than 6 hours to give explanations in relation to the new data and data that the police now had in their hands.

What the pilot had said to the police until today began to collapse one by one, until he finally confessed at 21:30. The pilot admitted that they had frequent frictions, and that Caroline wanted to separate. He claimed that he had not planned anything and that after what happened, he tried to cover his tracks. This is the explanation for the "direction" at the scene of the murder, which includes hanging the family dog, removing the digital card from the house recorder, and even the fact that he was found tied up.
His two officers had made it clear early on that they no longer take for granted what he had told them and that you should respond clearly to the data That have occured.
And it wasn't just that 20-year-old Caroline mobile phone-watch who had recorded pulses when according to the pilot's description the girl was dead, but as it turns out the application on the same mobile phone has recorded the period in question to take steps inside the house, while in theory he had said that he was tied up and gagged.
In addition, there were some findings from the police related to the removal of the memory card of the recording machine at home, while the information shed new light on the information that in the end the couple was not so beloved and that the 20-year-old had several times expressed her desire to leave the 32-year-old and to separate.
Earlier, the police made a simple TV announcement about the developments in the case. In particular, the police explained why they hurried to transfer to GADA for a new deposition Caroline's 32-year-old husband.
According to what was emphasized, the "new data that have emerged could not wait " and "the 32-year-old is the only eyewitness to the new evidence that has emerged."
Specifically, the representatives of the Greek Police, announced: "Regarding the case of Glyko Nero, they have emerged latest data that need clarification. The data can not wait. For this reason, the 32-year-old husband of the victim was rushed from Alonissos to Athens ".
"First we waited for the memorial service to end and then the 32-year-old husband was transferred to GADA. "It could have happened yesterday, but we respected his desire to attend the memorial service," he said.
Then, the process of transferring the 32-year-old from Alonissos to Athens and from there to GADA was analyzed. "Today, in the morning, the 32-year-old husband of the victim in Glyka Nera, was transported by boat from Alonissos to Skiathos and from there by air to Athens and GADA, to be examined as the only eyewitness to the new evidence that has emerged».