Giannis Konstantinou: A young man with a passion for education!

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This week, the FamagustaGrammers column travels to his thoughts Yannis Konstantinou. John is one of the young people whose heart is flooded with passion for what he loves and his mind is swirling full of dreams and goals. Let us enter his mind, interrogating him.

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Who is Yannis Konstantinou;

Yannis Konstantinou is a graduate of the School of Economics and Management of the University of Cyprus with a degree in Business Administration and Marketing. At the age of 25, he rejected a professional offer from an auditing firm and followed his passion, the field of education. Today he works as an economics teacher in a private school. He travels frequently and participates as a trainer in EU programs. In 2017 he founded the Youth Leadership Forum. His favorite quote is "if you can dream it you can do it".

Let's meet Giannis by learning his secret thoughts… 

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1. Is absolute happiness for you?

The smiles on the faces of the people I adore.

2. What makes you get up in the morning?

Smiles and socializing with my students at school.

3. If you described yourself in one word…


4. The last time you laughed?

Every morning with my little brother pretending not to hear his alarm clock.

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5. The last time you cried?

Two weeks ago I cried out of emotion at my first cousin's wedding.

6. Your biggest flaw?

That I have not yet learned to say "no".

7. What do you regret most?

I rushed to finish my degree at the University of Cyprus.

8. What makes you angry the most?

Rude people.

9. In what era would you like to live and why?

In the period of the French Revolution. To contribute to the replacement of monarchies by democracies. 

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10. If you went back in time…

I would not stress about situations that I can not change.

11. The most important moment of your life…

Every time Evelina, my 5 year old sister, smiles at me.

12. When you have free time…

I walk the seaside promenade of Protaras.

13. Favorite hobby?

Read books.

14. Biggest phobia?

Misery in the eyes of the people I love.

15. What worries you the most?

How "when we learn to live, we will have no more time" (stolen).

16. If you were President for 24 hours, what three things would you change?  

First of all, I would eliminate / eliminate bribery, in the field of education I would change the traditional way of teaching and I would introduce new teaching methods and I would do everything so that no one's human rights are threatened!

17. Which personality would you like to meet?

The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Tryndo.

18. In ten years from now…

I will have discovered the meaning of life, for sure!

19. What advice would you give your teenager?

In difficult times, we swim!

20. Life experience…

I can not share it with you!

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21. What do you consider a wish and what a curse?

The kindness.

22. What do you remember doing as a child, which you still continue to do with the same longing?

To be the teacher to the other children in the group!

23. What is it that you would never do?

To behave casually in a relationship.

24. What is it that you will never stop doing?

Trying to improve day by day.
