17 dead in a nightclub in Caracas, Venezuela (VIDEO & PHOTO)

8675bf15ee15429d9acf4a55183f1249 Venezuela, TEARS, DEAD, NIGHT CENTER

At least 17 people, including eight minors, were killed Saturday after a man set off a tear gas canister inside a nightclub in Caracas, Venezuela.

At least 11 of the victims died of suffocation, according to the Caracas Police.

Venezuela's Minister of the Interior and Justice Nestor Reverol, speaking on state television, said:

"About 500 students were at the nightclub for their graduation party. A man used a tear gas canister, killing 17 people. "Seven people have been arrested, while testimonies state that one of those arrested is also the perpetrator."

Venezuelan police also arrested the owner of the nightclub, as he did not take the necessary measures to ensure that no weapons or ammunition would pass through the area.

Reverol also said that the Venezuelan government "deplores this unfortunate incident" and offered "condolences to the families of the victims."


Source: AlphaNews.live