Car crashed on pedestrians in Germany

autokinitoger 1 Car, Germany, PEDESTRIANS

9 injured

A car crashed into a bus stop in the western German city of Recklinghausen, injuring its driver and eight other people, police said. A little while later it became known that a woman succumbed to her injuries.

The condition of the others is characterized as serious, especially of the five people, who were transported to the hospital. The three injured, who were in better condition, refused to be transported to the hospital.

Germany has been on alert since December 2016, when a Tunisian with Islamist connections stole a truck after killing its driver, and dumped it in a busy market, killing 11 people and injuring dozens more.

According to information, the driver deliberately fell on the stop where people were waiting for the bus, as he drove the car in a certain lane, before falling on the pedestrians.

Information transmitted by the German media and confirmed by the police spokesman, states that it is probably not related to a terrorist act. According to the same sources, it may be a suicide attempt.
