BINTEO: A 9-year-old boy suffering from dwarfism cries tearfully due to bullying


The video posted on Facebook by a mother in Australia, which shows her 9-year-old son suffering from dwarfism, is crying heartbreakingly due to the daily bullying he receives at school.

Jaraka Bales, a staunch supporter of the rights of people with disabilities, told NITV that she went to pick up her son, Quadden, from a Brisbane school on Wednesday and saw with her own eyes another classmate making fun of him for his height.

Quanden was born with achondroplasia, a predominant genetic disorder caused by dwarfism.

When they got in the car, Bales, unable to bear her son's agony anymore, videotaped him crying, urging other parents to take action against Quanten's brutal intimidation.


"It simply came to our notice then. And then we wonder why children commit suicide. "

The desperate mother explains in the video that her son experiences something like this every day and often thinks that he wants to die.

"I want to die now. Give me a knife and I will do it ", the 9-year-old can be heard saying in the video with tears in his eyes.

The heartbreaking video reached 9 million views by Thursday. Several members of the community, such as soccer stars, have expressed support for Bales and Quanten.

"This is one of the saddest things I've ever seen in my life," said artist Alan Mackenzie. "I want you to know Quanten, that we are with you in your struggle."

"This is the hardest video I've ever watched. A 9-year-old boy who wants to die due to bullying at school. "Let's prove to Quanden that not everyone is against him," said comedian Rob Shehadie.

NITV reports that Quanten has since changed schools and will likely continue his education at home.


Source: HuffPost