Austria-Germany is blocking the pre-election appearances of Turkish politicians

imagew 3 0 Austria, Germany, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey

Germany and Austria will not allow any pre-election appearance of Turkish politicians in their territories.

The governments of the two countries are announcing their desire, in an effort to prevent pre-election appearances for the June elections.

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz said:

"Such events, which concern the elections for the Turkish Parliament, but also for the election of the President, are not desirable in our country. We will not allow such involvement. "

The German Foreign Ministry said that in order for a Turkish election event to take place in Germany, it must have been declared three months before it took place. This, of course, is impossible since the timetable for the June elections cannot be met.

At this stage, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan's visit to Germany is postponed indefinitely. It is more likely to take place after the June election.

It should be noted that in the 2017 referendum campaign in Turkey, there was great tension between Turkey and Germany and other countries, as President Erdogan had described the Europeans as "descendants of the Nazis".

