Hackers: We stole secret files from 400 Turkish weapons systems

Hackers: We stole secret files from 400 Turkish weapons systems

We make them a gift in Greece

Hackers say they stole confidential data from at least 400 Turkish weapons systems with information on weapons, targeting systems, images and how they were used.

"Maybe this is a good gift for the Greek army" they say in their strange post and state: "If any Intelligence Service or the Greek Army wants these Documents, you can contact us at: [email protected]

"If a country that is against Turkey gets the documents, maybe Turkey will face some problems."

In detail, the post of the hackers on the website anonynet.cf:

"Maybe this is a good gift for the Greek army.

We violated the company that produces weapons and systems for the Turkish Armed Forces. The files / documents show the name of the weapon / system, one or two photos of it and how they work against the target.

Not only that, but also goal setting systems etc. Many different objects, about which we can not write.

The files exceed 400 in number. We will present some screenshots that cover the names and the inside of the files.

These are all files / documents. We hid the names of the files. If any Intelligence Service or the Greek Army wants these Documents, you can contact us at: [email protected]

If a country that is against Turkey gets the documents, maybe Turkey will face some problems.

Don't forget to email us if you want the link to download sensitive documents at -> [email protected] <-

Turk Telecom, we are sorry for the 5.000 routers that were damaged. "Every day we disconnect your routers from the internet."
