The United States presents an alternative proposal for dealing with Iran


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is expected to announce today Washington's alternative plan for dealing with Iran, CNN reports.

Critics of the plan call it an "impossible dream," while others question whether the US government has clear goals for its relationship with the country.

According to Trump administration officials, the plan calls for a global alliance to put pressure on Tehran to negotiate a "new security architecture" that goes beyond Iran's nuclear program.

Pompeo's speech will be at 09:00 a.m. (US East Coast) at the Heritage Foundation and will be his first official address on an issue that's the core of US foreign policy since its inception. leadership of the US Secretary of State by himself.

"We need a new framework, which will include all the threats from Iran. This framework includes a set of things around its nuclear program (missiles, the rapid deployment of missiles and missile technology, its support for terrorists, but also its aggressive and violent activities that perpetuate the wars in Syria and Yemen) ", said Brian Hook, who is the Director of Policy Planning at the US State Department.

On the other hand, many former officials, foreign diplomats, but also analysts are skeptical about the possibility of including all dimensions of security threats in one context, but also about the diplomatic interest of the US government in Iran, characterizing the whole effort "impossible dream."

"A broader and better deal is an unattainable dream," said Robert Anhorn, a former Secretary of State and arms proliferation expert who is now a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution.

Speaking at an event organized by the Institute for Iran, he said: "The real pursuit is not a bigger and better deal. "The real aim is to put too much pressure on Iran," to undermine the government.

Both Russia and China do not seem particularly willing to help with a second deal on Iran's nuclear program and have already expressed dissatisfaction with Washington's decision to abandon the original international agreement.

President Trump's decision to pull the US out of the JCPOA framework has angered Washington's European allies, with the US president's reference to imposing sanctions on European companies that will continue to work with Iran.

