The countries bordering most countries in the world

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Which countries have the most land neighbors?

China's military spending was $ 215,7 billion in 2016. Given that it borders more countries than any other country, it may come as no surprise.

The most populous nation on the planet has 16 unique neighbors, with 22.147 kilometers of land borders (also a record).

These are Afghanistan (76km), Bhutan (470km), Hong Kong (30km), India (3 borders total 3.380km), Kazakhstan (1.533km), North Korea (1.416km), Kyrgyzstan ( 858km), Laos, Macao (0.34km), Mongolia (4.677km), Myanmar (2.185km), Nepal (1.236km), Pakistan (523km), Russia (2 total borders 3.645km), Tajikistan (414km) and Vietnam (1.281km). That means a lot of armed guards and passport control stations.

Russia with 14 neighbors comes second in the list and Brazil follows with 10.

Germany and Congo have 9 neighbors each, while France, Austria, Turkey, Zambia, Tasmania and Serbia have 8.

As for Greece, they are low on the list, with only 4 neighbors.
