The moment a student punches a teacher in the classroom

math kath 22 punch, teacher, student

The video already has over 100.000 views

A video posted on social media on the afternoon of Wednesday, November 7 shows a student punching a teacher in the classroom. The incident happened at Frederick Douglass Public High School in Baltimore, Maryland.

The video, which has gone viral with nearly 100 views on Instagram, shows a schoolgirl trying to restrain her classmate who looks furious, while the teacher is talking holding papers in her hands.

At one point the student pushes his classmate and attacks the teacher. He punches her in the face, stands at the door cursing her and then leaves the room. She keeps her composure and follows him trying to talk to him.

City public school spokeswoman Edie House Foster said in a statement that the student had handcuffed the teacher after a verbal altercation, adding that authorities were investigating the case and would apply the disciplinary sanctions provided by the school code of conduct.

The behavior of the young student provoked strong reactions on social media and many negative comments, many of which were racist.

"Put the animal back in its cage," one wrote, while another noted, "This black boy in ten years will end up homeless and a drug addict."

There were also some more general comments, such as "Oh my God, the behavior of this generation is sad" and "Hard times to be a teacher".
