They called on Barack Obama to appear as a juror

president obama reports jury duty chicago INTERNATIONAL, ENORK, USA, BARACK OBAMA

Former United States President Barack Obama appeared in a Chicago court on Wednesday in response to a request from a U.S. citizen to serve as a juror.

However, the 44th president of the United States was quickly released from court, after being excluded from other candidates, according to the local newspaper Chicago Tribune.

Although he will not be sworn in, even Obama's brief appearance in court has caught the public eye. "He is awesome!" Said a court official, according to the newspaper.

Kelly Bullick, another jury candidate, said she felt "like melting butter" when she shook his hand.

Obama arrived in a motorcade, accompanied by their bodyguards, while outside the court several Americans were waiting for him who wanted him to sign his book.

A former law professor, Obama, like the rest of his fellow citizens who had been drawn, was waiting to see if he would be chosen as a juror. He is not the first former president to be called to a jury. The predecessor of George W. Bush was summoned to Texas in 2015, but was also eventually released.

