Coronavirus: Five symptoms that indicate you have a Delta mutation

Read what it is to identify the new strain of coronavirus in time

Screenshot 2021 07 29 153102 Coronavirus, Mutation D, symptoms

The "Delta" mutation (Indian strain) has become dominant worldwide as it is detected in more than 124 countries.

This new variant of the coronavirus is up to 100% more contagious than the original Wuhan strain and makes no exceptions by infecting even fully vaccinated individuals.

The "Delta" mutation, apart from its high transmissibility, something that had been observed in the case of Alpha (British strain), seems to differ from the other known variants of the coronavirus in terms of the manifestation of symptoms.

The recording of the new symptoms that characterize the "Delta" strain by the clinicians and the researchers is done in real conditions, that is, when the vaccinated and unvaccinated patients seek medical help.

The most commonly reported symptoms that "photograph" the "Delta" mutation are:

Nasal runny nose

Persistent cough

Sore throat


Fever / Tenth.

"Headache, sore throat, runny nose and fever are reported in the United Kingdom in over 90% of people with Delta mutation," she said. Inci Yildirim Pediatrician Infectious Diseases from Yale University Health System.

In contrast, anemia is less commonly reported and needs to be investigated scientifically. It should be noted that anomaly and tastelessness characterized both the original strain of Wuhan and the "Alpha".

It is worth noting that the severity of the symptoms associated with the Delta mutation depends on both the individual medical history of the individual and whether or not he or she has been vaccinated. Covid-19. However, in fully vaccinated individuals the symptoms are milder and last less.
