Krampus: The evil monster Santa Claus

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He only has the list of bad guys

ΌWe all know Santa Claus with the sleigh, the presents and the reindeer, but what about the bad guys at Christmas? According to the legend, Krampus, the evil monster Santa Claus, takes over there, because from what appears in the mythology of the countries of Central Europe, it is not enough for the bad children not to receive gifts.

Krampus who often appears in recent decades to wear the costume of Santa Claus (in popular movies and series but also in illustrations) is half demon-half man has horns and punishes bad guys. In fact, in many stories he carries heavy chains with bells to seduce children who think he is Santa Claus. In addition, the chains are believed to symbolize the devil's connection with the Christian church.

Even worse in other stories, Krampus holds birch twigs or a whip to punish the children and a sack or basket he carries on his back to kidnap the bad guys to take them to hell or. To eat them.

There are even traditional festivals in Austria, Germany (Bavaria), Hungary, and others where men dress like Krampus and take to the streets.

See more in the video below:
