Beastliness: He threw seven newborn puppies in the trash and left unharmed (pics & vid)

Disgusting and angry reactions have been caused by the publication of a criminal case of abandonment of seven newborn puppies in the city of Coachella, California.

Beastliness: He threw seven newborn puppies in the trash and left unharmed (pics & vid)

According to a video released, a young woman appears to have reached the spot where some rubbish bins were and throws inside a bag containing seven newborn puppies, just three days old.

The unarmed woman then enters the interior of her car undisturbed and leaves in an unknown direction, while fortunately a passer-by saved the three dogs from certain death, as he opened the bag and found the seven puppies before they breathed their last due to the high temperatures. but also of scarcity.

3 9 1 abandonment, puppies, Garbage

However, the publication of the video that recorded the woman's movements also aroused the interest of the local law enforcement authorities, who, using the visual material from the security cameras, managed to reach the traces of the almost killer of the three puppies and bring her before them. of justice.

Now, the case is expected to be heard within the next month, with the woman facing serious charges, while she was temporarily released on bail of several thousand dollars.

Finally, the seven puppies that were rescued and taken to a stray animal shelter are enjoying the care of the staff, while thousands of people have expressed interest in their adoption, to give them the love and affection that almost deprived them so violently.

2 26 1 abandonment, puppies, Garbage
