Greece: Wonderful images with rescue of puppies from the bad weather Diomidis

The Fire Department shows its human face again

skylakia84377 RESCUE, Diomidis, Images, SUMMER, puppies

The bad weather Diomidis hits several areas of the country, with the Farsala Superintendent being evacuated preventively due to the large volume of water and the overflow of torrents. In Katochori, Farsala, an operation was carried out to free 4 puppies from the fire brigade.

The governor of Thessaly, Costas Agorasos, posted photos and videos from the rescue, noting:

"In Katochori, Farsala, together with the Fire Service, we released four dogs that were in danger of drowning in the overflowing drainage ditch of the village.

A difficult day for Thessaly, which is being tested once again by large amounts of rainfall. "We are everywhere where there is a need."