The destination of the first international flight of the new airport of Constantinople

thumbs bc 037b33b9d86344d73153b9a40b787f00 ISTANBUL AIRPORT, Occupied, TAGIP ERTNOGAN

The inauguration of the new Istanbul airport is expected to take place on October 29.
According to Humber Cyprus, the General Manager of Turkish Airlines, Bilal Eksi, stated that the first domestic flight will be to Ankara and the first to abroad to Azerbaijan and the pseudo-state.
It is noted at the new airport, the first flight before its operation was symbolically made by the presidential plane of Tayyip Erdogan on June 21, 3 days before the presidential and parliamentary elections in Turkey.

Istanbul's new airport, considered the largest in the world, is being built on the European north side of the city, in the Arnaoutkϊy area, on an area of ​​90.000 acres with 6 runways and a capacity of 150 million passengers.

