"Child ghost" suddenly appears in the hallway of an abandoned building

vcnfdiobh000 England, Mansion, CHILD, spirit, ghost

Do people see paranormal activity everywhere or is something else happening?

Ghost hunters tell us that they captured with their lens a "child ghost" in the corridor of a ruined mansion.

The Soul Reapers team recorded the footage last month in Yorkshire, UK, and claims that what appears to be on the runway is the spirit of a child.

They even saw it in their material much later, when they searched for what they had recorded in the magnificent 17th century mansion, in fact the largest private building in England, which is now in ruins.


The coolest ones, however, say that it is some shadow or some flicker of the camera sensor.

"We've heard from many not to go there because the place is haunted," said team member Mark Vernon, who claims to have the ability to communicate with spirits.