How a 96-year-old man stopped the demolition of his village with painting

Rainbow villageter village

His talent saved dozens of homes

A small village that got another name after the story we will tell you. 

Because the government may have wanted to demolish it but someone had other plans! Taichung is now more called "Rainbow Village" and you will understand why…

Huang Ying-fu, a 96-year-old former soldier, used his talent in painting to stop the government from demolishing his house and the rest of his village. A village with more than 1000 houses, most of which were military residences.

Most of the soldiers left and so the area was filled with businesses and no residents. But a few remaining residents, such as Huang Ying-fu, decided not to give up and resist.

With Ying-Fu in front, of course, who first started painting his house and finally ended up painting the whole village! This talent made the houses works of art and a tourist destination and of course saved his village! 

