Lockdown's "hobbies" sent thousands of Englishmen to the hospital

90-year-olds, among others, rushed to the hospitals due to falls from playground equipment…

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Outdoor portraits of young man cutting painting and repairing wooden boards. Shallow DOF. Developed from RAW? retouched with special care and attention? Small amount of grain added for best final impression. 16 bit Adobe RGB color profile.

Popular lockdown habits, such as cooking, DIY and pet hosting, have led to thousands of people in need of hospital treatment for injuries, according to The Guardian.

An analysis of hospital admissions in England found that thousands were treated for injuries sustained as a result of activities that increased in popularity during the quarantine period as people were confined to their homes.


Data from NHS Digital for 2020-21 showed that more than 5.600 people went to the hospital after coming into contact with a power tool and more than 2.700 were admitted after an accident with a non-electric hand tool such as a hammer or saw.

The data also showed that 349 people were admitted after being injured with lawn mowers. More than 5.300 people were admitted after a fall from playground equipment, with the average age of patients being nine and a half years.

Every thing in its time…

However, some parents and grandparents "fell victim" to their hobbies, with dozens of people going to hospitals after falling from playground equipment, including eight people over the age of 90!

The same figures showed that 962 people were hospitalized for injuries sustained while climbing trees.

7.386 people in hospital from dog accident

The lockdowns also sparked a "pet hostel explosion" with figures from the Animal Food Manufacturers Association showing that 3,2 million households in the UK had acquired a pet since the onset of the pandemic.

These new animals did not always bring joy, according to a report by The Guardian. In particular, 7.386 people were admitted to English hospitals after being bitten or hit by a dog, along with 47 people who had been bitten by a rat and 60 people who had come in contact with a poisonous spider. Four people were introduced after coming in contact with scorpion.

Not everyone is a Master Chef

Many people turned their hand to improving their cooking skills and admission data showed that 2.243 had to be imported after coming in contact with hot drinks, food, fats and cooking oils.


Although many were grateful for the sunny weather in the first lockdown, 153 people were hospitalized with sunburn.

The data only includes people who were admitted to the hospital and many more injuries would have been treated by A&E doctors and general practitioners. Data on most accidents and injuries were lower than in previous years, as people generally spent more time indoors.

A spokesman for the Royal Society for Accident Prevention said: "Publishing hospital admissions always serves to remind us of the range of types of accidents that can lead to injury so serious that hospitalization is required. Among the foreign entries in the database there are some worrying trends that serve to highlight the causes of accidents we face. "Accidents can be prevented."

The Guardian