What will happen to Queen Elizabeth in the event of a naughty Brexit?

What will happen to Queen Elizabeth in the event of a naughty Brexit?

The design from the Cold War era that seems to be coming back to the surface

As time counts down for Britain's exit from the EU. (the deadline is March 29) and the London-Brussels agreement is up in the air, a plan from the Cold War era seems to be coming to the surface, should things go according to the worst case scenario.

So if there is a naughty Brexit and chaos and protests prevail in Britain, according to reports in the Times and the Mail, the country's secret services have devised a special plan to transfer Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh to a secret location away from London.

The plan has been in place since the Cold War, but Britain's security services say it has been reinstated in the event that Brexit is accompanied by angry mobs on the streets of London, as the royal family is thought to be a target for protesters.
