New speech by President Anastasiadis to the Cypriot people

22140664 10155179343575787 419259513 o Coronavirus, sermon, KORONIOS, Nikos Anastasiadis, Easter, President of the Republic

President Anastasiadis addresses a new sermon to the Cypriot people, in view of Easter, at 18:15 in the afternoon. 

According to information, he will make a dramatic appeal for the need to observe the measures in the coming days and especially during the Holy days of Easter.

With a tweet and a video of the moments that the citizens of Cyprus will experience today during Easter, due to the restrictive measures for the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, President Anastasiadis addresses again a call for observance of the measures and Easter.

He invokes his conscience and his sense of belonging and calls on everyone to protect everyone.

"I know this Easter will be different. But we will also pass this test, to protect ourselves and our loved ones. We are staying home this Easter. I invoke everyone's conscience. His feeling belongs to a society of solidarity citizens. "